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作者:   来源:      发布日期:2018-11-15   浏览:

罗荣昌,湖南岳阳人,2015年6月获中山大学工学博士学位,师从教育部高层次人才、国家杰青纪红兵教授。博士毕业后,留校从事教学与科研工作,并于2018年3月全职加盟广东工业大学轻工化工学院独立开展科研工作(期间在香港理工大学访学)。目前是学校“青年百人计划”A类引进人才,副教授、硕士生导师。主要从事二氧化碳催化转化及化工过程方面的研究,涉及离子液体及功能离子材料、多孔有机聚合物及共价有机框架的设计与应用、均相催化及光催化等方面。目前主持国家自然科学基金面上项目(结题1项,在研1项)、广东省自然科学基金(已结题)、广东省普通高校特色创新项目(已结题)、广东省重点实验室培育基金(已结题)、惠州市科技计划产学研项目(已结题)、广东工业大学“青年百人计划”启动基金、广东省高等教育教学改革项目等10余项教学和科研项目。以第一作者/通讯作者已在Green Chem.(2)、J. Mater. Chem. A(2)、ChemSusChem(5)、J. Catal.、Carbon、ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng.、Adv. Synth. Catal.、Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.、ChemCatChem、Chin. J. Catal.、Sci. China Chem.等国际催化、绿色化学和化工领域重要专业学术期刊发表研究论文近30余篇,1篇入选ESI高被引论文,3篇入选封面论文,撰写高水平综述论文4篇,并申请中国发明专利10余件,授权7件。



2.有机多孔材料(POPs, CTFs, COFs等)的合成及应用


























7. 广东省低碳化学与过程节能重点实验室培育项目,功能型仿生催化材料的构筑及其在二氧化碳环加成反应中的作用机制,2016.08—2018.08,主持人,已结题





国家自然科学基金评审专家、广东省自然科学基金评审专家、广东省科技企业特派员、广东省科技服务志愿者;Green Chem.、Macromolecular、ChemSusChem、J. CO2 Utili.、Micropor. Mesopor. Mat.、Sustain. Energ. Fuels等10余期刊独立审稿人。



[31] Xiangying Liu, Farong Zhou, Min Chen, Wei Xu, Hongbo Liu*, Jianjiao Zhong, andRongchang Luo,* Synergistically Converting Carbon Dioxide into Cyclic Carbonates by Metalloporphyrin-Based Cationic Polymers with Imidazolium Functionality,ChemistrySelect,2021, DOI: 10.1002/slct.202004338.

[30]Rongchang Luo,* Wei Xu, Min Chen, Xiangying Liu, Yanxiong Fang and Hongbing Ji, Covalent Triazine Frameworks Obtained from Nitrile Monomers for Sustainable CO2 Catalysis,ChemSusChem,2020, 13, 6509-6522. (Highlighted by WileyChem)

[29]Rongchang Luo,* Min Chen, Xiangying Liu, Wei Xu, Jiayi Li, Baoyu Liu and Yanxiong Fang, Recent advances on CO2 capture and simultaneous conversion into cyclic carbonates over porous organic polymers having accessible metal sites, J. Mater. Chem. A., 2020, 8, 18408-18424. (Front Cover, Highlighted by RSC China)

[28]Rongchang Luo,* Xiangying Liu, Min Chen, Baoyu Liu and Yanxiong Fang, Recent Advances on Imidazolium-Functionalized Organic Cationic Polymers for CO2 Adsorption and Simultaneous Conversion into Cyclic Carbonates,ChemSusChem,2020,13, 3945-3966.

[27]Yaju Chen,Rongchang Luo*, Qinggang Ren, Xiantai Zhou and Hongbing Ji,* Click-Based Porous Ionic Polymers with Intercalated High-Density Metalloporphyrin for Sustainable CO2 Transformation,Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.,2020,59, 20269-20277.

[26]Xiaohui He#, Yuchen Deng#, Ying Zhang, Qian He, Dequan Xiao, Mi Peng, Yue Zhao, Hao Zhang,Rongchang Luo, Tao Gan, Hongbing Ji* and Ding Ma*, Mechanochemical Kilogram-Scale Synthesis of Noble Metal Single-Atom Catalysts,Cell Reports Physical Science,2020,1, 100004.

[25]Baoyu Liu*, Zhantu Liao, Xin Xiao, Shengzhi Gan,Rongchang Luo, Ying Wu, Huiyong Chen*, Yanxiong Fang and Jinxiang Dong, Fine-Tuned Hierarchical Architecture of MWW Zeolites for Highly Efficient Alkylation via Suitable Accommodation,Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.,2020,59, 13932−13939.

[24]Jun Jiang,Rongchang Luo,* Xiantai Zhou, Yaju Chen and Hongbing Ji,* Photocatalytic Properties and Mechanistic Insights into Visible Light-Promoted Aerobic Oxidation of Sulfides to Sulfoxides via Tin Porphyrin-Based Porous Aromatic Frameworks,Adv. Synth. Catal. 2018, 360, 4402-4411.

[23]Yaju Chen,Rongchang Luo,* Junhui Bao, Qihang Xu, Jun Jiang, Xiantai Zhou, Hongbing Ji,* Function-Oriented Ionic Polymers Featuring High-Density Active Sites for Sustainable Carbon Dioxide Conversion,J. Mater. Chem. A., 2018,6, 9172–9182.


[22]Yaju Chen,Rongchang Luo,* Qihang Xu, Jun Jiang, Xiantai Zhou, Hongbing Ji,* Metalloporphyrin Polymers with Intercalated Ionic Liquids for Synergistic CO2 Fixation via Cyclic Carbonate Production,ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng.,2018,6, 1074–1082.

[21]Yaju Chen,Rongchang Luo,* Zhi Yang, Xiantai Zhou, Hongbing Ji,*Imidazolium-Based Ionic Liquids Decorated Zinc Porphyrin Catalyst for Converting CO2 into Five-Membered Heterocyclic Molecules,Sustain. Energ. Fuels,2018,2, 125-132. (Back Cover)

[20]Rongchang Luo, Xiaowei Lin, Jing Lu, Xiantai Zhou, Hongbing Ji,*Zinc Phthalocyanine as an Efficient Catalyst for Halogen-Free Synthesis of Formamides from Amines via Carbon Dioxide Hydrosilylation under Mild Conditions,Chin. J. Catal.,2017,38, 1382-1389.

[19]Jun Jiang,Rongchang Luo,* Xiantai Zhou, Fenfen Wang, Hongbing Ji,* Metalloporphyrin-Mediated Aerobic Oxidation of Hydrocarbons in Cumene: Co-substrate Specificity and Mechanistic Consideration, Mol. Catal.,2017,440, 36-42.

[18]Yaju Chen,Rongchang Luo,* Qihang Xu, Jun Jiang, Xiantai Zhou, Hongbing Ji,*Charged Metalloporphyrin Polymers for Cooperative Synthesis of Cyclic Carbonates from CO2 under Ambient Conditions,ChemSusChem,2017,10, 2534-2541.

[17]Wuying Zhang,Rongchang Luo,* Qihang Xu, Yaju Chen, Xiaowei Lin, Xiantai Zhou, Hongbing Ji,*Transformation of Carbon Dioxide into Valuable Chemicals over Bifunctional Metallosalen Catalysts Bearing Quaternary Phosphonium Salts,Chin. J. Catal.,2017,38, 736-744.

[16]Rongchang Luo, Wuying Zhang, Zhi Yang, Xiantai Zhou, Hongbing Ji,*Synthesis of Cyclic Carbonates from Epoxides over Bifunctional Salen Aluminum Oligomers as a CO2-Philic Catalyst: Catalytic and Kinetic Investigation,J. CO2 Utili.,2017,19, 257-265.

[15]Rongchang Luo, Zhi Yang, Wuying Zhang, Xiantai Zhou, Hongbing Ji,* Recyclable Bifunctional Aluminum Salen Catalyst for CO2 Fixation: the Efficient Formation of Five-Membered Heterocyclic Compounds,Sci. China Chem.,2017,60, 979-989.

[14]Rongchang Luo, Yaju Chen, Qian He, Xiaowei Lin, Qihang Xu, Xiaohui He, Wuying Zhang, Xiantai Zhou, and Hongbing Ji,*Metallosalen-Based Ionic Porous Polymers as Bifunctional Catalysts for the Conversion of CO2 into Valuable Chemicals,ChemSusChem,2017,10, 1526-1533.

[13]Yaju Chen,Rongchang Luo,* Qihang Xu, Wuying Zhang, Xiantai Zhou, and Hongbing Ji,*State-of-the-Art Aluminum Porphyrin-based Heterogeneous Catalysts for the Chemical Fixation of CO2 into Cyclic Carbonates at Ambient Conditions,ChemCatChem,2017,9, 767-773. (Inside Back Cover)

[12]Rongchang Luo, Wuying Zhang, Xiantai Zhou, Hongbing Ji,*Tannic Acid as a Polyphenol Material-Assisted Synthesis of Cyclic Carbonates Using CO2 as a Feedstock: Kinetic Characteristic and Mechanism Studies,Chin. J. Chem.,2017,35, 659-664.

[11]Rongchang Luo, Xiaowei Lin, Yaju Chen, Wuying Zhang, Xiantai Zhou, Hongbing Ji,*Cooperative Catalytic Activation of Si−H Bonds: CO2-Based Synthesis of Formamides from Amines and Hydrosilanes under Mild Conditions,ChemSusChem, 2017,10, 1224-1232.

[10]Shaoyun Chen, Xiantai Zhou,* Jiexiang Wang,Rongchang Luo, Qingjin Luo, Liangjun Yu and Hongbing Ji,* Promoting the aerobic Baeyer-Villiger oxidation of ketones over carboxylic multi-walled carbon nanotubes,Mol. Catal.,2017,438, 152-158.

[9]罗荣昌, 周贤太, 杨智, 张武英, 纪红兵*, 均相体系中酸碱协同催化二氧化碳与环氧化物的环加成反应, 化工学报,2015,67, 258.


[8]Rongchang Luo, XiantaiZhou,* Yanxiong Fang, Hongbing Ji,*Metal- and Solvent-Free Synthesis of Cyclic Carbonates from Epoxides and CO2 in the Presence of Graphite Oxide and Ionic Liquid under Mild Conditions: A Kinetic Study,Carbon,2015,82, 1-11.

[7] Yang Li, Xiantai Zhou,* Shaoyun Chen,Rongchang Luo, Jun Jiang, Zhongxiu. Liang andHongbing Ji,* Direct aerobic liquid phase epoxidation of propylene catalyzed by Mn(III) porphyrin under mild conditions: evidence for the existence of both peroxide and Mn(IV)-oxo species from in situ characterizations,RSC Adv.,2015,5, 30014-30020.

[6] Yaju Chen, Rong Tan,* Yaoyao Zhang, Guangwu Zhao, Weiguo Zheng,Rongchang Luo and Donghong Yin,* Reusable chiral salen Mn(III) complexes with phase transfer capability efficiently catalyze the asymmetric epoxidation of unfunctionalized olefins with NaClO,Appl. Catal. A.,2015,491, 106-115.

[5]Rongchang Luo, Xiantai Zhou, Wuying Zhang, Zhongxiu Liang, Jun Jiang, Hongbing Ji,*New Bi-Functional Zinc Catalysts Based on Robust and Easy-To-Handle N-Chelating Ligands for the Synthesis of Cyclic Carbonates from Epoxides and CO2 under Mild Conditions,Green Chem.,2014,16, 4179-4189.

[4]Rongchang Luo, Xiantai Zhou, Shaoyun Chen, Yang Li, Lei Zhou, Hongbing Ji,*Highly Efficient Synthesis of Cyclic Carbonates from Epoxides Catalyzed by Salen Aluminum Complexes with Built-In "CO2 Capture" Capability under Mild Conditions,Green Chem.,2014,16, 1496-1506.

[3] Shaoyun Chen, Xiantai Zhou,* Yang Li,Rongchang Luo andHongbing Ji,* Biomimetic Baeyer-Villiger oxidation of ketones with SnO2 as cocatalyst, features in activating carbonyl group of substrates,Chem. Eng. J.,2014,241, 138-144.

[2]Rongchang Luo, Rong Tan,* Zhigang Peng, Weiguo Zheng, Yu Kong, Donghong Yin,*Stable Chiral Salen Mn(III) Complexes with Built-In Phase-Transfer Capability for the Asymmetric Epoxidation of Unfunctionalized Olefins Using NaOCl as an Oxidant, J. Catal.,2012,287, 170-177.

[1] Chengyong Li, Jiangfeng Zhao, Rong Tan,* Zhigang Peng,Rongchang Luo, Ming Peng and Donghong Yin,* Recyclable ionic liquid-bridged chiral dimeric salen Mn(III) complexes for oxidative kinetic resolution of racemic secondary alcohols,Catal. Commun.,2011,15, 27-31.
















