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Bernard Meunier院士

作者:   来源:      发布日期:2014-04-19   浏览:

Bernard Meunier院士,特聘教授




联系方式: bmeunier@lcc-toulouse.fr





教育背景Doctorat de Troisième Cycle with Robert CORRIU at the University of Montpellier in November 1971.

Doctorat d'Etat with Hugh FELKIN at the “Institut de Chimie des Substances Naturelles du CNRS” at Gif-sur-yvette in June 27th of 1977 (University of Paris-Orsay).

Post-doctoral stay at the UniversityofOxford(October 1977 – September 1978).

学术兼职 Member of the French Academy of Sciences since 1999.

Member of the CNRS Committee on Ethics (2003-2006).

President of the CNRS (2004-2006).

Member of the Board of the Institut Pasteur (Paris) (2004-2006).

Member of the Board of INSERM (2004-2006).

Member of the Board of IRD (2004-2006).

Member of the Board of ANDRA (2005-2006).

Foreign Member of thePolishAcademyof Sciences (2005).

Member of the Board of the "Agence de l'Innovation Industrielle (A2I) (2005-2007).

Member of the "Comité d'orientation stratégique de la chimie" (COSIC) (2005-2006).

Member of the Board of «La Maisondela Chimie» (2006-).

Member of the Jury of the « Grand Prix dela Maisondela Chimie» (2007-2011).

Member of the Board of the Foundation « InnaBioSanté » (2007-).

President of the Board of the Foundation « CIRFC » (RTRA-Chimie) inStrasbourg(2007-).

President of the Scientific Advisory Board of the "Pôle Balard",Montpellier(2008-2011).

Member of the Strategic Committee for the Health Industries (2009-).

President of the Foundation Balard (UniversityofMontpellier) (2011-2012).

Member of the Scientific Board of the Foundation « Chimie des produits naturels et leurs applications » of theFrenchAcademyof Sciences (2012-).

Head of the Delegation for scientific informations and media relations of theFrenchAcademyof Sciences (2011-).

主要论文 (1) Photolysis and Thermolysis of Platinum(IV) 2,2-Bipyridine Complexes Lead to Identical Platinum(II)DNA AdductsChem. Eur. J. 2010, 16, 11420 11431

(2) Trioxaferroquines as New Hybrid Antimalarial DrugsJ. Med. Chem. 2010, 53, 4103–4109

(3) Antischistosomal Activity of Trioxaquines: In Vivo Efficacy and Mechanism of Action on Schistosoma mansoni (2012 )PLoS Negl Trop Dis 6(2): e1474. doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0001474

(4) Preparation of New Bis(8-aminoquinoline) Ligands and Comparison with Bis(8-hydroxyquinoline) Ligands on Their Ability to Chelate CuII and ZnIIEur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2008, 5622–5631

(5) Platinated Copper(3-Clip-Phen) Complexes as Effective DNA-Cleaving and Cytotoxic Agents Chem. Eur. J. 2008, 14, 3418 – 3426


下一篇:Siegfried Goldmann