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博学讲坛(七)预告:英国Aston大学Paul D. Topham教授学术报告

作者:   来源:      发布日期:2015-03-14   浏览:

题目:Block Copolymer Nanotechnology: Application in Organic Photovoltaic

报告人:Dr Paul D. Topham(英国Aston大学)

主持人:郭建维 教授







Dr. Topham earned a Master in Chemistry at University of Sheffield in 2002 and studied “pHResponsive Polymer Systems for Use as Molecular Machines” for his Ph.D. research under Anthony J. Ryan OBE at the University of Sheffield. Following the completion of a PhD in 2006, he undertook a postdoctoral research position working for Unilever, under the supervision of Professor Steve Armes. Dr. Topham joined the Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry subject group at Aston in August 2008 as a Lecturer in Chemistry, became a Senior Lecturer in August 2012 and a Reader in Polymer Chemistry in August 2013. He was appointed as a Guest Professor of South China University of Technology in September 2014. Till now, he has been awarded several grants as PI and CoI (including beamtime at international radiation facilities) totalling over £1,630,000. Dr Topham’s research focuses on the design, synthesis and application of well-defined polymer systems, including “smart” polymers, biocompatible and biodegradable materials and tethered polymer brushes, within the Advanced Materials Research Unit at Aston University.