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美国东北大学(Northeastern University)教授学术讲座通知

作者:   来源:      发布日期:2014-12-09   浏览:

单 位:轻工化工学院

报告题目:Use of the De Novo Synthesis in Natural Product Medicinal Chemistry

主 讲 人:Professor George O’Doherty

Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology

Northeastern University, Boston,Massachusetts02115,United States




GeorgeO’Doherty教授,国际知名糖化学家。博士毕业于美国俄亥俄州立大学,斯坦福大学和英国帝国理工学院博士后,现为美国东北大学化学与化学生物学系教授。O’Doherty教授的研究方向主要是对糖和其它具有药理活性天然产物进行不对称催化全合成。先后在J. Am. Chem. Soc.和Angew. Chem., Int. Ed.等刊物上发表研究论文110余篇,2009年获得美国Horace S. Isbell Award from the ACS Carbohydrate Division。

Prof. Dr. George O’Doherty is a Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at NortheasternUniversity in Boston MA. He was born in Kilkenny, Ireland, the son of two Ph.D. organic chemists, who at a young age brought him to the United States to continue in the family business. His research interests are focused on the use of catalysis for the “De Novo” asymmetric synthesis of biologically important natural products and carbohydrates. He and his group are interested in the application of these methodologies for SAR-type studies of natural and unnatural products with biomedical applications. His “De Novo” approach to carbohydrate chemistry was recognized in 1999 with the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Young Investigator award and in 2009 by the American Chemical Society’s Carbohydrate division with the Horace S. Isbell Award. He has authored over 150 manuscripts and reviews in the areas of organic synthesis, carbohydrates, medicinal chemistry and chemical biology.
