讲座题目:Hydrothermal Liquefaction Technologies (HTL) for Production of Biofuels and Bioproducts from Biomass and Organic Solid Wastes

徐春保,北京科技大学冶金工程博士(1998年)、加拿大Western University化学工程博士(2005年)。目前任香港城市大学先进生物精炼讲席教授、博士生导师、加拿大工程院院士、加拿大工程研究院院士,曾任加拿大Western University终身正教授、国家级工业讲座教授和林业生物质精炼首席科学家。长期从事生物质转化技术、生物质能源、生物基化学品与材料开发利用研究,坚持理论研究与应用实践并重,重视科研成果的转化应用。在国际知名学术期刊发表论文330余篇,被引用20000余次,H因子76 (Google Scholar),主编学术著作3部,合著20部专著。先后获得日本能源学会优秀研究奖(1999),加拿大化学工程学会Syncrude加拿大创新奖(2011)、工业设计和实践奖(2019),教育部长江学者讲座教授(2020-2023),2023年度德国洪堡基金会 “洪堡研究奖”(Humboldt Research Award)等荣誉。曾任丹麦奥尔堡大学、新西兰 University of Canterbury访问教授,现为重庆大学、北京科技大学、西安交通大学名誉教授。
This lecture highlights the roles of biomass/bioresources in carbon neutrality and bioeconomy in the global/national context, biomass/organic solid waste conversion technologies, the advantages of hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL) for resourceful utilization of wet biomass and organic solid wastes (food wastes, wastewater sludge, agricultural/forestry residues, lignin, etc.), and the past research by Prof. Xu’s team on HTL of various bio-feedstocks for biocrude production, operating parameters optimization, HTL process for conversion of wet greenhouse wastes and agro-forestry residues into high-value bioproducts, and production of low-Mw depolymerized lignin by HTL. This lecture also introduces recent accomplishment by Prof. Xu’s team in developing a continuous-flow process of HTL and process scale-up, as well as the future perspectives of HTL and beyond, focusing on advanced biorefinery.