主讲嘉宾:詹求强 华南师范大学
讲座地点:广东工业大学工学四号馆202 会议室
讲座主题:Optically Controlling Lanthanide-doped Upconversion Luminescence for Super-resolution Microscopy
嘉宾简介:詹求强,光学工程博士,华南师范大学光学副教授。先后毕业于山东大学与浙江大学。主要从事多光子荧光、激光光谱及其在光学成像等方面的研究。曾在瑞典Lund大学、台湾阳明大学和香港中文大学访问/工作。近年来在Nature Communications, ACS Nano, Laser Photonics Review等国际学术期刊上发表文章二十多篇, 研究工作被Nature等期刊论文大量引用,其中单篇研究论文被引用300余次,多篇被评为“ESI高被引论文”。申请国家发明专利14项。作为负责人主持国家自然基金面上项目、国家“香江学者”计划项目、“珠江科技新星”人才项目、国家自然科学基金青年项目等科研项目。曾荣获“香江学者奖”“浙江省优秀毕业生”等荣誉称号。
报告简介:Lanthanide-doped photon upconversion nanoparticles (UCNPs) are capable of converting low-intensity near-infrared light to UV and visible emission through the synergistic effects of light excitation and mutual interactions between doped ions. UCNPs have gained increasing attention for their wide applications in optical bioimaging, displays and photovoltaics. However, there are still some ongoing challenges for further development. In this talk, some strategies of optically controlling the optical properties of UCNPs for extended applications will be introduced. The performance of imaging employing UCNPs,e.g.,imaging depth, imaging speed, quantum yield and spatial resolution have be greatly improved for applications. In 2015, we firstly demonstrated the potential of UCNPs for multi-photon super-resolution microscopy. Recently our group has developed a novel STED mechanism using optimized lanthanide upconversion nanoparticles. We have experimentally demonstrated very efficient optical depletion for the UCNPs and successfully archived high efficient, absolutely non-bleaching cytoskeleton STED imaging at subcellular scale. These findings have great potential in super-resolution microscopy.