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轻化名师讲坛(六十八)预告: Waste Valorization for Chemical Production

作者:   来源:      发布日期:2018-04-02   浏览:

讲座嘉宾:Daniel CW Tsang副教授(香港理工大学)


讲座时间:20180404日(周三) 上午10:20-11:20


讲座主题:Waste Valorization for Chemical Production


Dan is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He was an IMETE Visiting Scholar at Ghent University in Belgium, Visiting Scholar at Stanford University in the US, Senior Lecturer and Lecturer at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand, and Post-doctoral Fellow at Imperial College London in the UK and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. With a strong link to real-world environmental challenges, Dan’s research group strives to develop cost-effective and low-impact solutions to ensure sustainable urban development, enhance the engineering infrastructure, and create new ways in which we manage contaminated soils/sediments, municipal solid waste, and urban waters. Dan has published over 100 SCI journal papers and received Excellence in Review Award forEnvironmental Science and TechnologyandChemosphere. He serves asEditorial Board Member ofChemosphere, Associate Editor ofJournal of Soils and SedimentsandEnvironmental Geochemistry and Health. Hehas also served asGuestEditor forBioresource Technology,Chemosphere,Science of the Total Environment,Journal of Cleaner Production,Journal of Hazardous Materials, andEnvironmental Geochemistry and Health.Danis chair and organizer of 2ndBiological Wasteas ResourceConference (BWR2017, Hong Kong)and 4thContaminatedLand,EcologicalAssessment andRemediationConference (CLEAR2018, Hong Kong).

