讲座主题:What is Listeria? Recent advance in molecular detection and typing methods for food borne pathogen.
报告摘要:At this seminar I would like to talk about Listeria monocytogenes. What is Listeria monocytogenes? In the United States, Canada and Europe it is one of three major food poisoning bacteria along with Salmonella and pathogenic Escherichia coli. And it is the food poisoning bacterium with the highest fatality rate. Especially the mortality rate of pregnant women and old people is extremely high. Statistically, in China and Japan, little listerial food poisoning has been reported. However, in modern times where food is circulated globally, Listeria is potentially a very dangerous food poisoning bacterium for China and Japan too.
In this seminar, I will tell you two things. The first one is Listeria's introduction. The other one is about Listeria detection and typing method. In particular, I would like to tell you the most advanced knowledge about typing methods using 2nd generation DNA sequencers, which have become important recently.
木村教授为东京海洋大学食品微生物研究室教授,并于2012年-2016年担任东京海洋大学海洋科学学院院长。主要从事食品中致病微生物的分子生物学的检测及控制技术。在food control, food microbiology, International Joural of food microbiology发表论文130多篇,木村教授为日本卫生学会会长,日本食品微生物学会理事,日本厚生劳动省药事、食品卫生审议会乳肉水产食品部委员,内阁府食品安全委员会专门委员。