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轻化名师讲坛(二百一十二)预告:Publishing in Wiley Materials Science Journals

作者:   来源:      发布日期:2023-08-11   浏览:

讲座题目:Publishing in Wiley Materials Science Journals



主讲嘉宾:崔肖阳 博士

报告题目:Publishing in Wiley Materials Science Journals

报告人:Dr. Xiaoyang Cui(崔肖阳)

Advanced Energy Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, Advanced Energy and Sustainability Research, Advanced Engineering Materials同行评审编辑

A highly competitive research environment with increasingly limited research funding has created a “Publish or Perish” attitude among scientists who are judged on the quantity rather than quality of their research articles. This presentation provides a brief overview of current trends and challenges in scientific publishing, some ethical considerations, how publishers and authors interact and influence each other, and how the publishing arena is being transformed. Tips will be presented on how to select an appropriate journal for your paper, what aspects of preparation and presentation to focus on from an editor’s and referee’s perspective, and hints for increasing the discoverability of your paper after publication.

