讲座主题:Tailoring Lignin Properties for Lignin First Biorefinery using Low Temperature (≤ 90 °C) Hydrotrope Chemistry
In this presentation, I will outline our past research work in the productions of biojet fuel and cellulose nanomaterials. I will also report our recent discovery of the hydrotropic properties of a recyclable aromatic acid, p-toluenesulfonic acid (p-TsOH) for potential low-cost and efficient fractionation of lignocelluloses. Specifically, I will focus on tailoring lignin properties for lignin first biorefinery using this low temperature (≤ 90 °C) hydrotrope chemistry. p-TsOH fractionated wood into two fractions: (i) a primarily cellulose rich water-insoluble solid fraction that can be used for the production of high-value building blocks, such as lignocellulosic nanomaterials, dissolving pulp fibers; and (ii) a spent acid liquor stream containing mainly dissolved lignin that can be easily precipitated as lignin nanoparticles by diluting the spent acid liquor using water to below the minimal hydrotrope concentration. Hemicelluloses in the spent liquor were mainly in the form of xylose that can be dehydrated into furfural using the p-TsOH in the spent liquor after lignin precipitation without additional catalysts. By adjusting the fractionation severity, we were able to produce lignin with unique optical properties, suitable for cosmetic, and dispersant for dyes. We were also able to obtain lignin with desired chemical structure and molecular weight distributions, for example, producing ignin with similar properties as mill wood lignin containing highb-O-4 linkages and large molecular weight. p-TsOH has a relatively low water solubility, which can facilitate efficient recovery using commercially proven crystallization technology by cooling the concentrated spent acid solution to ambient temperatures to achieve environmental sustainability through recycling of p-TsOH.
朱俊勇博士,国际木材学院院士,目前是美国农业部麦迪逊林产品实验室团队高层次人才,还在威斯康星大学-麦迪逊校区担任兼聘教授.2015-2016年,在芬兰,能源和可持续利用自然资源研究中担任富明阿尔托大学杰出主席。SPORL预处理的方法发明人,主要致力于生物质能源转化技术及纳米纤维技术研究,其团队研发的SPORL预处理技术具有良好的商业化前景,并取得了美国农业部支持,进行生物燃料技术研发。发表SCI论文200多篇,美国专利授权10多件。论文引用次数超过8800次,H指数超过50。2003年获得美国林业基础研究应用杰出科学奖,美国TAPPI国际研发技术奖项,2014年获得美国2014年威廉·h·艾肯奖,2016年获得AIChE安德鲁·蔡斯(Andrew Chase)奖;AIChE和TAPPI会员。
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