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轻化名师讲坛(七十四)预告:Several Issues on Identification of Active Mo Structure for Non-oxidative Dehydroaromatization of Methane

作者:   来源:      发布日期:2018-05-25   浏览:

主讲嘉宾田含晶(Hanjing Tian)博士、West Virginia University副教授、




讲座主题Several Issues onIdentificationofActive Mo Structure for Non-oxidative Dehydroaromatization of Methane


Natural gas conversion to liq. fuels and chem. feedstocks is a highly desirable objective. Mo/ZSM-5 is a promising catalyst for non-oxidative methane dehydroaromatization with benzene or H2as the main product. Initial Mo oxide species in ZSM-5 are known to convert to carbide or oxycarbide nanoparticles under reaction conditions with methane. In the past thirty years, tremendous efforts has been conducted to clarify key mechanistic questions: 1) the active structure of Mo species that anchoring the ZSM framework for methane activation; 2) local domain coordination of Mo nanoparticles, and (3) the distribution of the nanoparticle in the ZSM-5 zeolite framework. In this talk, we will firstly review two historical advances related to this topic, present the updated structural information on active kinetics, and finally discuss the effect of secondary metals, such as Fe and Zn, on the performance of Mo/ZSM5. Overall, the research on non-oxidative methane dehydroaromatization should be combinational efforts from computational chemistry, catalysis development, instrumental characterization, as well as reactor engineering.


田含晶Hanjing Tian博士、West Virginia University化学工程系副教授、美国能源部能源技术国家实验室研。田含晶博士于2000年毕业于中科院大连化学物理研究所物理化学专业.获硕士学位。2001-2005在里海大学学习,期间主要从事天然气的选择性氧化反应,并协助建立和调试了美国第一台operando光谱表征平台,余2005获化学工程博士学位,同年加入美国能源部国家能源部国家能源技术实验室工作至今,现任先进燃烧技术方向的课题负责人和首席研究员。2014年加入西弗吉尼亚大学从事教学科研工作。

主要研究领域是化学工程中的过程强化,涉及化学链、等离子体形态和超临界下的催化理论和材料的发展,具体涵盖化石能源的燃烧和部分氧化、常压合成氨和生物质气化。兼任国家自然科学基金委在化学链燃烧方向的美方负责人、中美清洁能源研究中心——清洁煤燃烧主题负责人。2005年和2013年,两次被北美催化学会授予Kokes award,任2018年国际化学链会议共同主席。